Make your own fly tying bench and save money
Last weekend I took on a new project. A few weeks ago I enrolled in an advanced fly tying class. The first class I showed up with little more than my vise and a few tools. Every other person in the class had their portable fly tying benches equipped with magnifying glasses/lamps and a myriad of tools and materials. A lesser man would've run out of there intimidated but not me and I'm glad I didn't. Those guys made me feel so welcome. They shared their knowledge, they shared their personal experiences and they shared their skills with me. One thing they said that really hit home...not all the tools in the world can make you a great fly tyer. That has to come from within. But I also saw how convenient those fly tying benches made everything. So, I set out to build one for myself. The reasoning behind my decision to build instead of buy was simple...cost. The benches I saw in magazines and online that I liked started at around $150. I didn't want to pay that so I took pictures of some different ones and designed my own and I'm just tickled with the way it turned out. I went to Lowes and picked up the wood (all oak) all in pre-cut widths so that all I had to do was cut it to length and sand it down. Personally I think it looks better than any bench I had found and the cost was under $50 for everything. If you want further details, please visit the web page where I give the contact information. Here's what it looks like. You can do this to. I know you can.
Tight Lines,