New Yellow Creek parking lot
Last week I finally got over to fish the fly fishing only section at Yellow Creek in Bedford County, PA. While I couldn't have picked a worse day for this trip, I did end up acquiring some useful info.
I got up early and checked the internet for the weather. It showed isolated thunderstorms in surrounding states but nothing in PA.
I headed out with high hopes. I got to the stream and parked where I had seen others park in the past, geared up and started my trek. About 25 yards upstream from the bridge was an elderly gentleman spin fishing (he was just below the Fly Fishing Only section). I asked how he was doing and he had caught 2 nice 12" browns earlier in the morning. There were a few rising right in front of him. He commented how they were tormenting him with his spinning gear. Anyway, he asked if I knew about the new parking lot that had been put in upstream a little ways. I said that I was not aware of it.
Apparently earlier in the year, a few groups got together and put in a new gravel parking lot, making it easier than ever to access the fly fishing only section now.
I crossed the stream and headed up the other bank and within minutes came to the new parking lot. What a great improvement. I'll have to try that next time :)
Anyway, I fished for about 30 minutes before the skies just opened up and let loose. Naturally I had left my rain gear in the car. I was drenched within minutes and was now about a 30 minute walk from the car so no sense in rushing back. I found a large leaning tree and took up shelter under it. The rain stopped about 10 minutes later. I walked upstream another 1/4 - 1/2 mile to another beautiful spot and began fishing again. Five minutes later the rains began again. This time I began my trek back to the car having had enough of this...good thing too as it continued to rain the whole way home.
That just goes to show you how unpredictable the weather can be.
Oh get to the FFO section of Yellow Creek and to the new parking lot, turn off Rt 36 onto the small road at the Frontier Restaurant near Loysburg. Go 2.2 miles on this twisting road and there will be an unmarked gravel road to the right. Turn onto this road and you'll go back probably a little over 100 yards to the parking lot. Great improvement there.
Tight (and wet) Lines,